Blog Post




  • By Rebecca Chernek
  • 17 Aug, 2022

Winning With Menu Selling - Paper or Digital?

Your menu — digital or paper — is one of your most important assets in the finance office. It is also one of the most important ways for you to stay compliant in a highly litigious society. But is the menu you present up to snuff, are you putting your best foot forward? And, on the flip side, do you have so much on it — so many products— that the customer gets confused, shuts down and just wants out?

Is your menu outdated, getting the results you want? Are you running less than $1200 per car?

Maybe your menu needs a bit of a spring cleaning! An efficient menu offers the options that a client might — and should — be interested in without overwhelming them. Now, you might say “How can a customer know what they want unless we present everything including the kitchen sink?” And, that is a valid question. But I often advise my clients to remember when they go to a restaurant with several well-chosen entree options. The customer has enough time to evaluate, ask questions and consider add-ons such as dessert and wine.

Then, have you ever been to a restaurant where the menu was a small book, with several pages of every sort of entree imaginable? I love Cheesecake Factory but my head explodes! I can’t make up my mind. Our brains just can’t — especially on the spot — consume so much information.

We don’t want to make all those decisions. Customers want ease in shopping. They want to get in and out of the F&I department and certainly don’t want to be in a dealership all day buying a car. You have minutes to gain their trust and confidence with your menu presentation. That’s why an overstuffed menu will diminish your profits. That’s right —profits! A menu with the right amount of products will entice a customer to learn more, see the value and buy from you.

A simple, to-the-point menu helps eliminate pressure selling tactics, reduces chargebacks, speeds the delivery and increases CSI. It builds trust.

A user-friendly menu allows you to meet the customer on their terms where you can establish a common bond, fully disclosing terms, product options, and itemized product pricing. It reduces the time in the F&I office. Step selling doesn’t work; it’s torture. It can take up to an hour, diminished profits and, in some instances, lead to payment packing. The FTC is coming down hard on dealers for deceptive practices. The menu is your best arsenal to ensure that best practices are being implemented and the customer truly understands all the terms of the sale. You leave nothing to chance.

If you use a digital menu, your F&I managers must be properly trained. You can’t put an iPad in the customer’s hand and say, “Enjoy!” It is an event, a digital journey from the time the F&I manager meets the customer to the final menu presentation. A digital menu works best when it’s fully utilized, is interactive and the customer feels as if they are in control of the buying experience.

Meet with your F&I manager and review the menu in detail. Like spring cleaning, freshen it up — take the clutter off. Change your ribbon add color to your menu! Throw out products that are no longer sellable. Put the top products front and center. Remember if your F&I manager doesn’t buy into them, what makes you think they will present them? Buy-in creates a consistent menu and a consistent menu presentation guarantees you results.

Check out Chernek Consulting’s upcoming workshop on November 6th, 7th & 8th in Alpharetta, GA at the DoubleTree Hilton Properties. We’ll cover everything you need to know to present an efficient, impactful menu presentation and how effectively overcome objections! The workshop is designed for the beginner or advanced student. Learn how to present a paper menu or a digital menu and the importance behind the interview process. Understand the difference between a paper menu presentation versus a digital menu presentation to get the impact you're looking for. 

If you're considering a digital menu, this workshop is a must for you! Learn the pros and cons to an effective digital menu presentation. Learn how to take a ‘no’ response and turn it into a ‘yes’. Find out how to meet customer specific needs based on a value proposition and why a compliant menu creates a paper trail that will keep you out of hot water.

Get back to the basics and massively improve your F&I performance. Rebecca Chernek has been facilitating The Customer Centric – Closing Tools Mastering Menu Sales — since 2001 with remarkable results. The tools your F&I manager picks up from this workshop will dramatically impact their success once back at the dealership. 

Contact us today for details!

By Becky Chernek 19 Aug, 2022
According to a recent news story, “A perfect economic storm of inflation, soaring gas prices and the unintended consequences of the federal pandemic relief programs is closing in on many car owners.” And this scenario is affecting prime and subprime customers alike.
By Becky Chernek 19 Aug, 2022

Recently I’ve experienced a strange déjà vu when providing onsite consultations. I’m reminded of a time when I was working with a dealer in Arkansas who purchased a Buick / GMC store. He told me there wasn’t much meat on the bone and not to expect much in F&I performance. Most customers paid cash or had prime credit.


“No problem,” I thought. After all, I can positively impact any operation. But I couldn’t help wonder why the dealer didn’t get any tier three or four business. The customers at dealerships up the street seemed to represent a full cross section of buyers. It didn’t make sense.


I continued to ask questions until the dealer came up with a brilliant idea (or he got tired of my harping). He decided to spiff the sales people one weekend $40.00 per write-up. “Just come to the desk with whatever write-up, no matter the credit, and you’ll get $40.00.” The following Monday, the dealer called to report he had plenty of tier three and four customers.


If you’re reading between the lines, you already know where I’m going. The store didn’t have any subprime lenders – or the F&I manager wasn’t keen on working subprime customers. The salespeople thought, “Why bother selling a customer a car if they said they had slow or derogatory credit history?” So they broomed the customer, sent them packing to the competitor down the street and moved to the next customer who could buy a car.


Is this you? Be honest. Because this is exactly what is happening in dealerships throughout the United States today. This is the dark side of the pandemic’s silver lining for auto retail.


The front is making big profits on preowned cars today. They don’t have to take the skinny deals or cut profit to swallow a lender fee. Those vehicles aren’t easy to come by, so they’re being saved for the customer who’s going to pay all the profit. Who can blame them?


But will it pay off in the long run? Are you sending customers to your competitor, CarMax, Carvana, Vroom or independent dealers who are lining their pockets with the deals you don’t want? The sales manager may not see the value in a lower-tier customer today, but your competition does. Because when you treat a customer with slow pay history right, you have a customer for life.


What about the customer who just paid full gross? Will they use your service department? Does it matter? That’s a discussion for another day.


You may not realize it, but many of the larger dealer groups have their own in-house financing with internal scoring metrics. They’re not only going to sell more cars; they’ll earn more profit doing it. They will take the market share if you don’t do something about it.


Some say, “Ok, let them,” but remember when CarMax offered to put an appraisal on every trade whether the customer was going to buy a car from them or not? Talk about clever! Today, customers go to CarMax to get a trade value even before they step foot in a dealership. In fact, your sales manager likely sends the customer to CarMax to get a trade value! Is that you?


Today’s most successful dealers aren’t fixed in their ways. They have a growth mindset and continually adapt to the changing market!


This bubble won’t last forever. Do you have the necessary skill-set and processes in place today to meet market conditions tomorrow?


Schedule a 15-minute Zoom call today!


Unparalleled Experience + Analytics + Gold-Standard Training = IMPACT


Chernek Consulting, founded in 2001, offers automotive dealers exceptional experience-based consultation for multipoint, multi-brand automotive groups to significantly impact performance. Rebecca Chernek has worked with industry leaders such as JM&A, AutoNation, NCM Institute, NCM 20 Groups, NADA 20 Groups, Mercedes Benz Financial Services, Sym-Tech Dealers Services and more.


Rebecca’s comprehensive analysis identifies operational and team strengths and weaknesses. Her focus is on:


1) plugging profit leaks

2) getting the customer on the right car at the get-go

3) cultivating customers for life

4) digitizing processes for maximum efficiency and profit


It’s the little things you do that can make a big difference.

CALL BECKY CHERNEK DIRECT AT 866-894-1899 schedule a 15 - minute call today! 


By Rebecca Chernek 19 Aug, 2022
History repeats itself. Since Covid, dealers have been rejoicing in record-breaking profits but will they prepared to roll-up their sleeves when the seasons change?
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